Troubleshooting: Most Common Issues when creating an Account in Brella

Learn how to overpass any inconvenience while creating an account in Brella for the first time.

To be covered: 


This article will help to troubleshoot the most common issues encountered when signing up for Brella. Whether you're new to the platform or experiencing difficulties with the registration process, we've got you covered. Follow these simple steps to overcome any hurdles and get started with Brella hassle-free.

During the account creation process

Issue 1: You enter an invalid email address and can't move forward to the next page.

πŸ‘‡To fix,

  • Re-check the email address you have entered and type the correct email address.

Issue 2: When you input an email address and cannot move forward from the account creation process or the page has frozen.

πŸ‘‡To fix,

  • Click on Back to start the process again
  • Clear browser cache.
  • It is best to check if your browser version is up to date and if you are using the recommended browsers

Issue 3: You are unable to open the Brella/the events official app because it shuts down on the mobile device

πŸ‘‡To fix,
  • Check if the IOS device soft version is updated
  • Check if you have the latest app version

πŸ’‘To learn how to troubleshoot issues related to Join code, you can go here

Last updated in May 2024.

Written by Yusra Mohideen

Please get in touch with the Support Team here if you didn't find an answer to your questions.
