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Networking: Filter Attendees

Learn how to filter the Networking tab to help you sort attendees out per interest and goal.

Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 1.11.56 PM

To be covered


While Brella's matchmaking algorithm shows you the most relevant matches based on your interests, the Search bar, and Filters are available on the Networking/People's tab if you want to seek outside your interests.

How to filter the networking tab

Choose relevant interests and the goal that the person you're looking for is offering or looking for.

For example, you're an event organizer looking for Video call solutions for your virtual event.

  1. On the Networking/People's page, click on Filters on the right upper side of the page. 
  2. Select the Interest or the closest one to the topic you're searching for, i.e., Video calls solutions, in this case, then choose as a goal: offer or sell this.
  3. Click on Show results, and then you will be shown all the people who are offering or selling this Interest at the event.

Case study

Peter is a Blockchain consultant looking for people looking for the best practices on contracts in Blockchain. So, he selects to filter people by Interest (Smart Contract) and goal (Exploring or getting this service). He can now see the list of people looking for his services and suggest a meeting or start a chat.



    Great job! Now you can successfully find the relevant connections by filtering attendees based on their interests and goals.


    Last updated on July 2022. 

    Written by Rajinda Wijetunge.

    Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 7.57.07 PM

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