Exporting Reports: Sponsors & Booths Traffic Report

Learn how to view insightful information about representatives' engagement, booth traffic, and sponsor ad traffic in the admin panel.

To be covered


This article shows you how to export and read sponsor related data from the event. All the sponsor engagement data and statistics are live and can be monitored at all stages of your event.  

Export Company Representatives Engagement

See how many Representatives a company had during the event in a Sponsor's profile at the "Sponsors tab" in the admin panel. Moreover, you get to see a few other types of information:

  • The number of inbound and outbound meetings they had with other participants pre-and during the event.
  • Engagement actions per Representative. The engagement metrics include the number of meetings, messages, and
  • Export this information:
    1. Navigate to the Admin panel - sponsors
    2. Click on a sponsor profile
    3. Click on the Representatives tab, and on the right side, click on Export (csv).

    4. You will receive an email with this data:
      Meetings: Accepted
      Meetings: Pending inbound
      Meetings: Pending outbound
      Meetings: Cancelled
      Meetings: Declined (chat open)
      Meetings: Declined (chat closed)
      Total Meetings outbound
      Open chat: Answered inbound
      Open chat: Answered outbound
      Open chat: Pending inbound
      Open chat: Pending outbound
      Open chat: Converted to meeting inbound
      Open chat: Converted to meeting outbound
      Total Messages

⭐ Tip: As an Event Organizer, you can share these insights with your Sponsors. They'd be interested in knowing how their reps engaged at the event. Having at least 13 meeting requests means that the reps did an excellent job! 

Export All Engagement Between Sponsors and Participants

View and analyze the number of Representative-Participants meetings that were facilitated during the event. 

  • On this sub-tab, you'll see a table with the total inbound and outbound meeting requests that the representatives managed to do at the event. This includes 1:1 meetings and 1:1 open chats.
  • Export this information:
    1. Navigate to the Admin panel - Sponsors
    2. Click on a sponsor profile
    3. Click on Engagement, and on the right side, click on Export (csv).

    4. You will receive an email with a file from Brella.
      Total meetings
      Meetings: Accepted
      Meetings: Pending
      Meetings: Declined
      Meetings: Cancelled
      Open chat: answered
      Open chat: Pending
      Open chat: converted to meeting
      Total messages

Export Booth's Traffic Data

View the visitors' interactions in a report on sponsor performance per company and export all sponsor data with a few clicks.

☝️The Sidebar integrations section is not being tracked yet. It's coming soon!

  • Sponsor traffic analytics is a powerful tool to help sponsors understand their virtual booth's traffic and the most popular content.

❗ You'll see traffic analytics from the web app and only if you have embedded items in the carousel section.

  • If you have added items in the carousel section, you can see a list of the participants who visited the sponsor's booth and the content they interacted with.
  • You can go to the Admin panel > Sponsors >Traffic Analytics to see the booth's traffic. Then you can scan the list of visitors that have been in the booth so far.

  • You can export the traffic data file per company and all sponsor data at once.

➑️  To export specific booth traffic per company:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel - sponsors
  2. Click on Traffic Analytics.
  3. Click on Export Data.

    traffic analytics exportable
  4. You will receive an email with all booth visitors' data in CSV format, which includes:

➑️  To export all booth data at once:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel - Sponsors
  2. Select Settings,
  3. Under Export sponsor data - click on Export zip.

    sponsor data export location
  4. You will receive an email with all your sponsor's files, each including 5 files. The data will be exported in .csv format.
  5. You can find the file details of the meeting representatives, meetings summary, and meetings that have been mentioned earlier in this article. For the interactions file and visitors file, the file content will look like this:
    1. visitors file
    2. interactions file

πŸ” Tip! For more information in detail about how you can analyze the booth analytics results. Go to this page.

Sponsor Ad Statistics

You can see Sponsors Ads live traffic:

  1. Go to the Admin panel.
  2. Then, navigate to Sponsors, select Sponsor Ads, and click on Statistics.
  3. In this section, you can see the display count and click count for your sponsor ads.
Read more about how to monitor your sponsor ads and how to read the data results.

At the moment, the sponsor ads statistics cannot be exported.

Last updated - July 2022. 

Written by Natasha Santiago. 


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