Event Onboarding: Filter Invites

Learn how event organizers can browse and select relevant invites by filtering their delivery status and seats claimed

To be covered


As an event organizer, you need to have a clear idea of the attendees to whom you have sent the event invitation as well as those who have claimed their invitation. The filters available on the invites tab help to separate the invites and ensure everyone joins the event on time.

Filtering Invites by Status (Steps)


  1. Navigate to the Invites sub-tab on "People", and click on the funnel icon next to Status.
  2. Two options are provided:
    • Sent: Displays how many times an invite has been delivered via email to the participant.
    • Not sent: Displays invites that have not been sent yet.
  3. Select the status you wish to filter.
  4. After that, you can see the filtered results for the selected criterion. 

Filtering Invites by Seats (Steps)


  1. Navigate to the Invites sub-tab on "People", and click on the small icon next to the Seats used.
  2. Two options are provided:
    • None claimed: Displays invites that have NOT been fully claimed already.
    • Partially claimed: Displays invites that still have seats available (This is only applicable to multiple-seat invites )
  3. Select the invites you wish to filter.
  4. After that, you can see what attendees fall within the selected criterion. 👍

After completing the above filtering, you can resend the invites to selected non-claimed invitees. Go to the article here for more information on this. 

To learn more about the Invite-only feature, go here.

Last updated - July 2023. 

Written by Purnima Jayasuriya. 


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