📖 Event Details

Event Details: Networking Features

Learn how to update the networking features for your event

To be covered:


There are different ways in Brella that you can allow the event attendees to network with each other. Starting from enabling them to have 1:1 or group meetings, the ability to chat unlimitedly, or allowing them to scan leads. These are managed on the admin panel in the 'Networking features' sub-tab within the main Details tab. 

Use meeting slots

Enabling meeting slots allows attendees to schedule meetings with each other during pre-determined meeting slots specified in the schedule. To learn more about the networking slots, click here.

💡If meeting slots are disabled, attendees can only chat to network and arrange their meeting themselves for a mutual time, and meeting slots will not function for your event. If disabled, you will not be given the option to add networking slots to your event schedule either.


Enable open chat

Open chat allows attendees to send chat messages to each other. The possibility of chatting without committing to a meeting can be an excellent opportunity for your audience to increase attendee engagement during the event.  Enabling the open chat at your event can help to: 

  • Lower the barrier among attendees to network and interact with one another.
  • Help Sponsors establish connections and identify if an attendee is a lead before requesting a meeting, resulting in fewer meeting requests being declined or ignored.

When disabled, attendees can only send meeting requests to each other if meeting slots are available in the event.

Enable lead scanning

Enabling this toggle allows attendees and sponsors to connect and add leads by scanning the Brella QR codes. The lead (QR code) scanning feature is an easy way for your sponsors and attendees to connect and save as leads the prospects they meet at the event. Please click on this article to learn more about Brella lead scanning. 


Please note that all of the above toggles are automatically turned ON when the event is created. If any of them are not required for your event, toggle it off on the Details tab and click on 'Save changes'.


Last updated - May 2024. 

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


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