Breakout Rooms: Create and Organize Breakout Rooms

Learn how to create breakout rooms and reorder them in the event.

To be covered: 


A Breakout room is a small meeting room where a small group can discuss a particular topic of their common interest.  Therefore, Break-out rooms can come in handy during an event. Brella allows you to create multiple breakout rooms to match your event schedule. 

Create a Breakout Room


  1. Navigate to admin panel - breakout rooms - click 'enable breakout room'
  2. Click 'Create New Breakout room' - fill in the details:
    • Room name: Title of the session or room (Max. 75 characters)
    • Date: The dates of a breakout room are only available within your event's duration assigned in the event details.
    • Time: You can choose either a specific time when the room will be open or choose to have the room open all day.

      Once a room reaches its end time, it will close immediately without any warning. If you're unsure whether the sessions will last longer than the time specified, please extend the duration and use the timer to track the timing of your sessions.
    • Cover image (optional): The recommended aspect ratio of the picture is 16:9 and the size should not be more than 5MB. Accepted image formats are jpeg and png.
    • Description (optional): The description can briefly introduce what will happen in the room.
  3. Click Create Room to Save. 

How to Organize ( reorder) Breakout Rooms


You can click on the three lines available for each breakout room, and drag and drop rooms to organize them in the order you wish.

👉 Note: Breakout rooms work best in Chrome browser on macOS, Linux, or Windows as long as you can run an up-to-date supported browser! Read more about ChromeFirefox,  and Chromium-based browsers (OperaVivaldi, and Edge).


Last updated - July 2023. 

Written by Purnima Jayasuriya


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