Web App: Navigate Speakers

Find information on the event speakers on the 'Speaker' tab as well as in the schedule.

Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 2.41.21 PM

To be covered

Where can I find the speakers?

You can find the speaker's info in full in the speaker's tab in the event. You can find the full list of speakers from the podium icon on the left-side navigation. 

You can find speaker information in two places

  • Speakers tab 
  • Schedule tab 

The below video shows you an example from one event on how to navigate the platform and find the important information on the speakers.

💻 View on the Web app


Great job! Now you can successfully navigate through speakers on Brella. 

💡 Click here to know how you can Navigate Speakers from the mobile app.

Last updated in July 2023.

Written by Yusra Mohideen

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