Ticketing & Widget: Customize the ticketing widget

Learn how to customize your ticketing widget through CSS

All customization options:

  • Widget's purchasing conditions

πŸ‘‰ To only show particular tickets in your widget (this way you can enable multiple widgets on your website and each button will open the widget with only specific tickets):

<div id="brella-widget">
  <script type="text/props">
     "joinCode": "spacecon2022",
     "widgetType": "ticketing",
   "organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"ticketsToShow": [80, 56]
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>

ticketsToShow specifies the tickets that will be displayed on the widget. Go to your admin panel to see the IDs that you should use with each ticket: 

Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 12.32.10 PM

πŸ‘‰ To allow attendees only purchase the minimum increment of tickets to your liking (e.g. if you want attendees to buy minimum 2 tickets because of the campaign you're having now, you can do so): 

<div id="brella-widget">
  <script type="text/props">
     "joinCode": "spacecon2022",
     "widgetType": "ticketing",
   "organizationSlug": "ISTA",
    "minIncrementOfTickets": 2
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>

You can set the increment to be anything.

πŸ‘‰ Show ticket buying modal instead of "Get Tickets" button:

<div id="brella-widget">
  <script type="text/props">
     "joinCode": "spacecon2022",
     "widgetType": "ticketing",
   "organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"showModalOnly": true
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>


πŸ‘‰ To customize the "Get tickets" button:

 .brella-get-tickets {
     text-indent: -9999px;
     line-height: 0;
   .brella-get-tickets:after {
     content: 'whatever it is you want to add';
     text-indent: 0;
     display: block;
     line-height: initial;



πŸ‘‰ To customize the "Buy tickets" button in ticketing modal header:

 .ticketing-header-title {
     text-indent: -9999px;
     line-height: 0;
   .ticketing-header-title:after {
     content: 'whatever it is you want to add';
     text-indent: 0;
     display: block;
     line-height: initial;


πŸ‘‰ To customize the primary background color (default white):

.brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-widget-background: yellow !important;


Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 5.36.53 PM

πŸ‘‰ To customize the secondary background color (default: #F9FAFB):

.brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-widget-secondary-background: yellow !important;


πŸ‘‰ To customize the primary button and highlight color (default: #7F56D9):

.brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-color-ticketing-primary-600: red !important;
   #brella-widget {
     --brella-color-ticketing-primary-600: red !important;


πŸ‘‰ To customize the border of the ticketing modal (default: 1px solid #EAECF0; border radius (default 8px)):

 .brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-widget-modal-border-radius: 50px !important;


πŸ‘‰ To customize the divider between sections (default: 1px solid #EAECF0):

 .brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-widget-modal-border-radius: 50px !important;


πŸ‘‰ To customize the close icon (default: ​​#101828; in 2 places, close modal and remove discount code):

.brella-ticketing-widget {
     --brella-widget-close-icon-color: red !important;

If you only want to change one of these, for example only the discount code one, you can do it like this: 

.remove-discount-code:before, .remove-discount-code:after {
     background-color: purple !important


πŸ‘‰ Example of dark theme widget styling:

.brella-ticketing-widget {
    --brella-widget-secondary-background: #141A2D !important;
    --brella-widget-background: #1C2541 !important;
    --brella-widget-border: 1px solid #111727 !important;
    --brella-widget-close-icon-color: #DC758F !important;
    --brella-widget-modal-border-radius: 2px !important;
    --brella-widget-modal-input-border-radius: 2px !important;
    --brella-widget-input-border: 2px solid #1C2541 !important;
    --brella-color-ticketing-primary-600: #DC758F !important;
   .brella-get-tickets {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    line-height: 0;
    border: 1px solid #C7637C !important;
    background-color: #DC758F !important;
  .brella-get-tickets:after {
    content: 'Try it our here';
    text-indent: 0;
    display: block;
    line-height: initial;
  .ticketing-header-title {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    line-height: 0;
  .ticketing-header-title:after {
    content: 'Be the first to buy ticket!';
    text-indent: 0;
    display: block;
    line-height: initial;
  .ticketing-footer-proceed-button {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    line-height: 0;
  .brella-widget-button-primary {
   padding: 9px 16px !important;
  .ticketing-footer-proceed-button:after {
     content: 'Next page';
    text-indent: 0;
    display: block;
    line-height: initial;
   .ticketing-secondary-text {
     color: #D6BBFB !important;
   .brella-ticketing-widget p, .brella-ticketing-widget h3, .brella-ticketing-widget h4, .brella-ticketing-widget a, .brella-ticketing-widget label, .brella-ticketing-widget input {
     color: #F4EBFF;
   .brella-ticketing-widget input, .brella-ticketing-widget input:disabled {
     background-color: #141A2D;
   .ticketing-footer-proceed-button:disabled, .discount-code-apply-button:disabled {
     opacity: 0.5;
   .summary-event-date {
     color: #DC758F !important;
   .summary-order-summary-text, .total-summary-text, .custom-form-title, .custom-form-title, .ticket-question-name{
     color: #E3D3E4 !important;
   .purchaser-info-container p, .ticketing-question-container p {
     color: #7C86A5;
 .brella-widget-error-text {
color: var(--brella-color-error-600) !important;


πŸ‘‰ If you want to set radio buttons to change upon click:

Make sure you're not applying

appearance: none
for the checkboxes. Something like this should fix it:
.brella-ticketing-widget input[type="checkbox"] {
appearance: auto !important

πŸ‘‰ If you want to remove the "Use purchaser email" checkbox for registrant emails:

You can hide it with css (only for the widget):

.purchaser-email-checkbox {
display: none;

πŸ‘‰ Disable the Safari auto-zoom functionality on iOS

By default, Safari will zoom in when a user taps on an input field and the font-size is less than 16px. To disable this behavior, you can either change the font-size of the widget to a minimum of 16px using CSS, or set the allowAutoZoom parameter to false. 

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"allowAutoZoom": false
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to hide the "Claim ticket" button in the "Thank you" modal:

    .ticket-claiming-invite .brella-widget-button-primary {
      display: none;
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
  <script type="text/props">
     "joinCode": "spacecon2022",
     "widgetType": "ticketing",
     "organizationSlug": "ISTA"
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to have ticketing widget to redirect to some other page than back to the "Thank you modal" after the ticket purchase:

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
 <script type="text/props">
    "joinCode": "spacecon2022",
    "widgetType": "ticketing",
    "organizationSlug": "ISTA",
    "redirectUrlAfterTicketPurchase": "https://help.brella.io/en/organizers/ticketing-widget-customize-the-ticketing-widget"
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you have a discount code which should for example only be applied when attendee buys tickets in sets of 2 and so on. Note that the widget won’t allow user to add discount code if e.g. 3 tickets are selected, it will give an error ("The discount code can only be applied to sets of [whatever increment you add]):

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"minIncrementForDiscountCode": [
"minIncrement": 2,
"ticketIds": ["22"],
"discountCode": "100FORSPACES"
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to limit the maximum tickets that can be purchase per order (based on ticket type)

Note: The ticket type applies per ticket type. It's not a blanket restriction on how many tickets an order can have.  So, for example, if ticketIds "23" and "22" allow one purchase each > A single order can contain 1 ticket of type "23" and another ticket of type "22". 

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"maxNumberOfTicketsByTicketId": [
"ticketIds": [23, 22],
"maxNumberOfTickets": 1
"ticketIds": [21],
"maxNumberOfTickets": 2
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to customize the increment per ticket type, not just the whole widget:

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"minIncrementOfTicketsByTicketId": [
"minIncrement": 2,
"ticketIds": ["22"]
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to have a discount code pre-filled on the widget (and allow to remove the discount code or not):

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"discountCodeSettings" : {
"discountCode": "100FORSPACES",
"allowClear": true
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to have a tickets pre-selected on the widget (allow to set the amount of tickets pre-selected every time widget opens per ticket type):

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<div id="brella-widget">
<script type="text/props">
"joinCode": "spacecon2022",
"widgetType": "ticketing",
"organizationSlug": "ISTA",
"preSelectedTickets" :
"ticketIds": [80],
"amount": 1
<script async src="https://widget.brella.io"></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

πŸ‘‰ If you want to change the header title on the thank you modal: 

   .thank-you-modal-title {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    line-height: 0;
  .thank-you-modal-title:after {
    content: 'New title';
    text-indent: 0;
    display: block;
    line-height: initial;


πŸ‘‰ If you want to change the header subtitle on the thank you modal: 

.thank-you-modal-subtitle {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    line-height: 0;

  .thank-you-modal-subtitle:after {
    content: 'New subtitle';
    text-indent: 0;
    display: block;
    line-height: initial;


πŸ‘‰ If you want to hide the subtotal container on the thank you modal: 

   .summary-subtotal-container {
     display: none;


πŸ‘‰ If you want to change the "Claim ticket" button text on the thank you modal: 

 .ticket-claiming-invite a {
     text-indent: -9999px;
     line-height: 0;

   .ticket-claiming-invite a:after {
     content: 'Join Event';
     text-indent: 0;
     display: block;
     line-height: initial;


πŸ‘‰ If you want to hide and/or modify individual tickets' name, price, description: 

<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here -->
<style>.ticket-list-item-container-ticket-id-22 .ticket-list-item-ticket-price {
display: none;
<div id=β€œbrella-widget”>
  <script type=β€œtext/props”>
     β€œjoinCode”: β€œspacecon2022",
     β€œwidgetType”: β€œticketing”,
     β€œorganizationSlug”: β€œISTA”
<script async src=β€œhttps://widget.brella.io”></script>
<!-- Inject Brella Widget Here End -->

Last updated - July 2023

Written by Nikita Salnikov

Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 12.30.59 PM

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