Sponsors: Create Sponsor Profiles

Learn how to create sponsor/partner profiles on Brella admin panel

To be covered:


As the event organizer, you will need to initiate the creation of the sponsor profiles on Brella for your sponsors. You will have access to create the virtual booths, share sponsor admin rights and manage all the controls from the admin panel.

How to create sponsor profiles


  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel - Sponsors tab. You'll be prompted to activate the sponsors' functionality if not yet done.
  2. If the sponsor category is not yet set up: that needs to be set up at this point before you create sponsor profiles.  
  3. Navigate to the sponsors tab - click Create new on the top right corner of the Sponsors page.

Update the sponsor details

The sponsor profile form is self-explanatory. There are mandatory fields to be filled out in order to successfully save the form. Once you've added all the relevant information Click Save.

  1. Company Name - mandatory
  2. Subtitle - no longer than 75 letters - optional
  3. Industry - optional (not visible on the booth)
  4. Category - sponsorship categories created previously.❗
  5. Logo - upload image (200x200px - jpeg or png)
  6. CTA text - Customize visit booth text
  7. Traffic analytics - Yes or No (value) - When enabled, sponsor admins can view traffic analytics of their booth.
  8. Automatic linking - Yes or No (value) - When enabled, representatives are automatically linked to their booth.
  9. Lead scanning - Yes or No (value) - Sponsor representatives can scan and save their leads. Scanning has to be enabled in event settings.
  10. Enable chat - Yes or No (value) - this activates the option to have a chat on the virtual booth - optional
  11. Website - only URL - optional
  12. Facebook - only URL - optional
  13. Twitter -  only URL - optional
  14. Linkedin - only URL - optional
  15. Twitter - Twitter handle - optional
  16. Instagram - Instagram handle - optional
  17. Description - you can add images, hyperlinks, and limited text formatting options.



👉 Note: If you are experiencing issues with saving a new sponsor, check that your logo is within the correct image size, which can be max. 1000x650.


Once you set up your sponsors, you can see how it looks in the actual event at next.brella.io. The changes will automatically reflect on the front end of the site to the attendees. 


Last updated - July 2023

Written by Yusra Mohideen

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