Home Analytics: Meeting and Chat Metrics

Learn how to access and understand meeting and chat metrics

To be covered.


This segment in Brella is dedicated to tracking and understanding attendees' overall engagement (pre-and on-site engagement) throughout the event. Let us walk you through how to track the participant's engagement in detail in terms of meetings and chats. 

How to read the data 

  • Navigate to Admin panel - event - home page
  • Scroll down to the meetings/open chat data segment

  • Meetings are the sum of all accepted, pending, pending reschedule, canceled/rejected (chat left open), and canceled/rejected (chat left closed) meeting requests.
    • Accepted: meetings are the total number of accepted meetings by all attendees at your event.
    • Pending: meeting is the total number of meeting requests left unanswered.
    • rescheduled: the number of meeting requests that are rescheduled 
    • Canceled/rejected (chat left open) represents the sum of canceled and rejected meeting requests where an attendee decided to leave the conversation open.
    • Canceled/rejected (chat left closed) represents the number of rejected meeting requests where an attendee decided to leave the chat closed.
  • Open chats refer to the sum of chats exchanged among attendees.
    • Answered is the number of open chat requests that were answered at some point, but maybe still at the open chat stage or may have been converted to meetings.
    • Converted to accepted meetings refers to the sum of chats that were converted into 1:1 meetings.
    • Pending refers to the sum of chat requests left without a response.

Meetings and open chats pie charts

  • Meetings: display the distribution of answered, pending, and canceled/rejected meetings.
  • Chats: display the distribution of answered, pending and chats turned into accepted meetings.

❗Note: Data points regarding the open chat are not available if disabled.

Last updated - July 2023

Written by Yusra Mohideen

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