Home Analytics: Average Attendee Engagement

Learn how to read the average attendee engagement data provided by Brella

To be covered:


Engagement at events is crucial to make people register for future events without hesitation! At Brella, you can see what the engagement rate is per attendee. Let us see how to understand this data.

How to understand the data 

To learn what the average engagement rate is per attendee:

  1. Navigate to the admin panel - your event - Home
  2.  On the upper side, you will see the image below. 👇
    The higher the Av. engagement rate, the better your event is performing in terms of Engagement. Based on hundreds of Brella events, we found out that an average engagement of 14 is good! 👍 If you go above, your team rocks! 🏆
View for in-person/virtual events
View for Hybrid events


👉Av. attendee engagement formula:

(Total engagement / Total attendees with meetings) =  X

  • Total Engagement = Chat messages (all messages) + Meeting requests (all meeting types: accepted, pending, etc.)
  • Total Attendees with meetings = Users with meetings.

Best wishes from the Brella team for a successful event!

Last updated - February 2024.

Written by Rajinda Wijetunge.

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 7.57.07 PM

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