Exporting Reports: Meetings Report

Learn how to export meeting file to get a clear idea of 'who met who' during the event.

To be covered


A meeting report helps the event organizer to collect all the data related to the attendee meetings. It will simply help you to have a look at which attendee has sent a meeting request to whom and whether the respective meeting has been accepted. This will include all the details such as the table number, the company details of attendees, the meeting time location, and the allocated table number. 

How to (Steps)


  1. Navigate the Admin panel - 'People tab,'
  2. Click on 'Attendees.'
  3. Click on 'Meetings export' on the tab's right side. The file will be sent to your email!

    The report will consist of the following.
    Requester Email
    Requester Name
    Requester Company
    Requester Title
    Receiver Email
    Receiver Name
    Receiver Company
    Receiver Title
    Changed status


Last updated - July 2023. 

Written by Purnima Jayasuriya.


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