Attendees & Groups: Schedule Group Meetings with Hosted-Buyer Program

Learn how to arrange group meetings between the attendees of your event using Brella's Hosted-Buyer Program.

To be covered:


Hosted Buyer Program is a model that you can use to schedule meetings for the attendees of your event. It usually involves a β€˜white-glove concierge treatment to the attendees that opt into the program, where the event organizer will help facilitate group meetings on their behalf.

πŸ” Tip: If you are thinking of using this functionality, it's important to inform participants that you'll be arranging group meetings according to their categories, interests, and intents selections from the registration process. 


Schedule group meetings using the Hosted-buyer program

As a first step, you have to have group meetings enabled for your event. This can be done by going to the event admin panel > People tab > settings. Refer to this article for step-by-step guidelines.

Once the group meetings have been enabled, you can follow the below steps to schedule group meetings for your attendees using the Hosted-buyer program in Brella.


  1. Go to the admin panel (
  2. Click on the People tab, then select/search for an Attendee whom you wish to facilitate the meeting for.
  3. Then click 'View profile'. The first profile you select will be the 1st of the two co-organizers of the group meeting you set. As the co-organizers, they will have the option to decline the meeting for all the attendees.
  4. Once you have the profile open, turn the 'Empty slots' toggle on. Then you will see the networking availability the attendee has set.
  5. After that, you can click on a time slot and search for people you'd like to set up the group meeting with
  6. Tick the profile of the attendees you want to book the meeting with and click 'Continue'.
  7. At this point, you have the option to add a message to be sent with the meeting request and also remove any attendees that you have added.
  8. The first profile you see in the list of attendees you have selected is the 2nd co-organizer of this group meeting. That person will also have the option to decline the meeting for all the attendees in the group. All the other attendees are considered as 'Guests' in the group meeting and they have the option to only mark their attendance to the meeting.
  9. Once everything has been finalized, click 'Create Meeting'.

The meeting created will be shown as a 'Group meeting' on the respective attendee profiles you created it for. You also have the option to view who has declined the meeting you created.

All the attendees will receive a confirmation email where the participants will be notified that the organizers have set up a group meeting. The co-organizers can review and decline the meeting for all the attendees while the guests can mark their attendance as declined.

Cancel a group meeting

Now you can cancel any pending or accepted group meetings using the hosted-buyer feature. 

  • Go to the admin panel ( and click on the People tab.
  • Click on the 'Attendees' tab and search for the attendee you want to delete the meeting for. Then click 'View profile'.
  • You should see the following view when you do so that will show all the meetings the attendees will have. 

  • Select the group meeting you want to 'Cancel/decline' and click on the button 'Cancel meeting' at the bottom.

πŸ’‘An alert email will be sent to the attendee confirming that the event organizer has canceled the meeting.

The maximum number of attendees that you can add for a group meeting is 15. This number is fixed and cannot be limited or increased.

Examples of the alerts sent


Email when a meeting is arranged Email when a meeting is canceled
Web/mobile app alert when a meeting is arranged Web/mobile app alert when a meeting is canceled

Last updated on May 2024.

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


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