Schedule & Widget: Networking Track

Learn how to edit and customize the networking (1:1 meetings) track

To be covered:


When you activate the schedule for a new event for the first time in the admin panel, a default networking track is created as '1:1 meetings'. You can edit and customize this networking track title, track description and also assign a sponsor to it from your event.

How to edit (Steps)

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel -> Content -> Schedule
  2. Click on 'Tracks' from the top menu
  3. Select the '1:1 meetings' track and click to edit the track title and track description
  4. Enable the 'Track is sponsored' toggle and select a sponsor if you plan to assign a sponsor for a track. This is a great way to monetize sponsors of your event.

Track titles and track descriptions will only be editable if you DO NOT have any overlapping content slots in the schedule. If there are overlapping sessions you will get the error 'Couldn't update track, please try again.' when trying to 'Save changes'.


  • Sponsors should be added before you create tracks if you want to assign a sponsor at the time of creating a new track. If not, you can leave the 'Track is sponsored' toggle disabled, edit the track later, and enable it once the sponsors have been added to the event. The sponsor details will be visible inside the 'more info' with a link to visit the sponsor booth on the event front end. You can assign only one sponsor.
  • The 'Track color and Show highlighted speakers' fields are not editable.

Last updated - June 2023. 

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


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