Schedule & Widget: Adding Highlighted Speakers For a Track

Learn how to add highlighted speakers to a schedule card on a track

To be covered:


This article explains how you can add highlighted speakers to a schedule track. A track can have many sessions which have speakers. Out of these speakers, you can select all or a highlighted few to be shown within the 'more info' section of the track description.

How to (Steps)


  • Navigate to Admin panel - Content - Schedule
  • Go to 'Tracks' and click 'Add new'
  • Activate the toggle 'Show highlighted speakers' when creating a new track
  • Create content slots for the track created and add featured speakers for at least one content slot created
  • Go back to 'tracks' and click on the 'V' in the right-hand corner
  • Scroll down to 'Show highlighted speakers' section and click 'Configure'
  • Select the speakers you want to highlight for the track from the list shown
  • Click 'Save changes'


  • The highlighted speakers are different from the featured speakers. Highlighted speakers will be shown when clicking on the 'more info' button of a track while featured speakers are shown for each content slot if the slot is not sponsored. If a slot is sponsored, the sponsor logo will be shown and featured speakers will be visible once clicked on 'more details'.
  • If there are no featured speakers added for content slots, there will be no speakers visible to be selected as highlighted speakers.

Last updated - June 2023. 

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


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