Speakers: Organize All Speakers and Featured Speakers

Learn how to organize all speakers lists and featured speakers lists on the native app or the speaker widget.

To be covered


Now you can order all the speakers as well as select the order of the featured speakers. This can be done when creating a new speaker profile or by editing an existing speaker profile. The order you add for the speakers will be displayed on the native app homepage and the widget.

Change the order of all speakers


  • Navigate to the Admin panel > People > Speakers
  • Click '+New speaker' to enter a new speaker or 'edit profile' on an existing speaker profile you wish to update
  • Enter the position in the 'Order' field you want to place the speaker
  • Click 'Save and Update' to update the profile
  • You can see all the updated positions in the order column


  • In the absence of values in the order field, it will remain empty, and the speaker list will default to being ordered by first name.
  • If multiple speakers have the same first name, it will order those speakers by their last name.
  • If multiple speakers have the same value in the order field, the first name / last name logic will take over for them as well.
  • Any speakers without a value in the order field will be shown below those who do have a value in the order field.
  • This field is available in the CSV export, and can be written via the CSV import under the column titled 'position' and the integration API.

Change the order of featured speakers

  • Navigate to the Admin panel > People > Speakers
  • Click '+New speaker' to enter a new speaker or 'edit profile' on an existing speaker profile you wish to update
  • Enter the position in the 'Highlight Order' field you want to place the speaker
  • Click 'Save and Update' to update the profile
  • You can see all the updated positions in the highlight order column

πŸ’‘The "Highlight order" field will control the order of speakers in the Featured Speaker section of the native app homepage and the widget. This behavior is unaffected by the "Position".

Last updated - August 2023. 

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


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