Getting Access: Google Sign-In to the Admin Panel

Learn how to log in to your Brella account using Google Sign-In

To be covered: 


If your working or personal email domain belongs to Google it's possible to speed up the joining and access process by using the 'Continue with Google' sign-in method. Check the steps below, and learn how to use your Gmail credentials to access your Brella account.

How to (Steps) 

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Continue with Google' - Input your email and password, and in case you have two-step verification, approve on your mobile device.
  3. Accept the terms and conditions
  4. You should be able to see the organizations assigned to you.

If you do not see any organizations assigned, speak to your CSM at Brella and request for admin access.

💡Note: If you receive an "email cannot be empty" or "email can't be blank" error, please follow the steps available in this article.

If you're accessing from a device not of your personal use, if enabled on your email account from Google, it might require account verification.

Requirements to access Brella

  • Have the latest version of the browser of your choice.
    • Brella works on all modern browsers, preferably Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.
    • The DuckDuckGo browser is not supported. If this is your default browser, please change it to Chrome while using Brella. ❗
  • Have the latest version of the Brella App on the web and mobile.

You can use the web app on your computer browser or tablet/iPad/phone browser.

Last updated in October 2023.

Written by Nisansala Wijeratne. 


Written by Nisansala Wijeratne.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.
