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Brella Action: Create an Event Invite through Zapier

Learn how to create a new invite in Brella event through Zapier as an action

To be covered:

What it does?

Brella Action - Create an Event Invite - essentially creates a new invite for all your registered attendees in Brella event. In practice this means that you do not need to create new invites yourselves on admin panel manually. 

When enabling the zap with the mentioned Brella action, the process will be the following:

  1. Attendee registers through your event registration page (3rd party app) ->
  2. Zap is being triggered ->
  3. Sends info to Brella's Admin Panel ->
  4. New invite is being created ->
  5. Brella sends info to Zap ->
  6. Zap delivers the info to newly registered attendee with their created invite

All these steps is a part of an automated process that you enable once publishing zap. 

❗If you want emails to be sent out automatically to new invitees, make sure to enable 'Publish' button on manager.brella.io - People - Invites

Finding data from Brella's Admin Panel (manager.brella.io)

Here is how to find the commonly mentioned type of data from Brella's Admin Panel: