πŸ“– Communications

What emails can I send through Brella?

Yes, you can send two types of reminder emails which are the pending meeting reminder emails & event reminders. These are aimed to boost attendee activity inside Brella.

These emails are essential to increase pre-engagement and platform adoption. Sending these emails is optional, but we have found that ☝️these emails significantly improve meeting and adoption rates

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πŸ’‘You can send 2 types of reminder emails through Brella's admin panel:

  1. Pending meeting reminder emails will be sent to those attendees that have some meeting requests unanswered. Receiving these emails usually increases their activity and prompts them to either accept, decline, or reschedule the meeting requests they have received.
    See how this email looks to your attendees.
  2. Event reminder emails can only be sent once because the idea of this email is to remind the attendees about their opportunities at your event with Brella before the event. This email usually increases the attendee's pre-engagement, which is very important for a better networking experience. 
    See how this email looks to your attendees.

These emails are sent to all users that joined your event in Brella. You can see the list of these attendees in the People tab (read more about it here). 

*Currently, these emails are not customizable.

🚨Important: Do not schedule pending notification reminder emails for immediate sending, have at least 5 minutes between scheduling and sending.


Last updated on June 2021. 

Written by Stephanie Campano Valenzuela. 


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